Our Staff Team
Carlton House achieves high levels of care due to the passion and dedication of our team of professional and friendly staff.
Our Home has over 30 staff employed to provide care and support for residents to achieve the level of independence they require and to live a fulfilling and happy life.
The Home’s staff are selected for their qualities which include reliability, integrity, skill, friendliness, experience and professionalism.
We have appropriate recruitment procedures in place, carry out all relevant checks when employing staff and we make sure that our staff have the right experience, qualifications, skills and temperament to support and care for our residents. Staff all receive relevant training and are encouraged to develop themselves further. We ensure staff have adequate supervision and are appraised to develop an open feedback culture.
Our staff undertake a thorough induction prior to and throughout their first 12 weeks of work in the Home, all new staff are required to complete the Care Certificate which consists of 15 units:
- Understand your role
- Your personal development
- Duty of care
- Equality and diversity
- Work in a person-centred way
- Communication
- Privacy and dignity
- Fluids and nutrition
- Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities
- Safeguarding adults
- Safeguarding children
- Basic life support
- Health and safety
- Handling information
- Infection prevention and control
Many of our staff have Diploma’s in Social Care Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5). All of our staff are given the opportunity to work towards achieving a Diploma Level 2 and many will go on to do Level 3.
We further ensure that staff attend a range of external and internal training including Food Hygiene, Moving and Handling, First Aid, Medication, Infection Control, Care of the Elderly, Fire Safety and Prevention, Safe Guarding Adults, Risk Assessment, Dementia Care, Equality and Diversity, Palliative Care, Hoist training, Mental Capacity Act and any other training deemed necessary or, that meets the needs of our residents.
The Home Manager
The Home's Registered Manager is Emma Colein.
Emma is trained in all aspects of care and has achieved Diploma Level 5 Apprenticeship in Leadership and Social Care Management.
Emma began working at Carlton House in 2008 as a Care Worker, Emma then in 2012 broadened her experience as a senior carer and deputy manager in another care home. Emma also achieved her NVQ Level 2 and NVQ 3 in previous years. Emma then re-joined us as a senior carer and medication lead in 2020, assisting the previous manager in all aspects of the day to running of the home, which involved supervisions, appraisals, assessments, rotas, and recruitment to ensure the Care Home Regulations and Standards were met.
“I love working in care and being there for our residents to support and encourage their quality-of-life day by day. I have been in the care industry since I was 18 and over the years have become more and more passionate about the job, wanting to learn and experience more. My passion is to ensure we promote and provide person centred care with the input of those closest to our residents.”
The Nominated Individual
The Owner and CQC Nominated Individual of the Home is Ian Herridge. Ian has been the home's proprietor since 1995. Ian takes an active role in the day to day running of Carlton House.

The Home Manager - Emma Colein
The Nominated Individual
The Owner and CQC Nominated Individual of the Home is Ian Herridge. Ian has been the home's proprietor since 1995. Ian takes an active role in the day to day running of Carlton House.